A: Yes. There are no rules prohibiting currently serving members of the Transitional Government from running in the elections. The only rules of prohibition are listed under "Who is eligible to become a member of the Presidency Council?" and he or she cannot be holding another position in the government at the same time. If they are elected as President, they have to resign their position. They must also not be a serving/active member of the armed services and must have resigned their position twelve (12) months in advance of the election. A: Yes. There are no rules prohibiting currently serving members of the Transitional Government from running in the elections. The only rules of prohibition are listed under "Who is eligible to for nomination as Prime Minister?" and he or she cannot be holding another position in the government at the same time. If they are elected as Prime Minister, they have to resign their position. They must also not be a serving/active member of the armed services and must have resigned their position twelve (12) months in advance of the election.
Attention! This is not an official website for the Iraqi Elections. This is a private website where Iraq Election information has been compiled for general consumption.
This post will stay at the top of this blog until January 31, 2005. It will be updated routinely as more information regarding the electoral process in Iraq is made available. If there are any discrepancies, please leave a comment in the comments section provided below or email me by clicking on the red box marked "Dispatches" on the left hand side bar. Be sure to include any URLs or links that support the correction.
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To review Iraq Elections Q&A, click on the link below to "the inner sanctum".
Iraq Elections Questions and Answers
Last Update: 01/21/05
There has been a lot of confusion about how the Iraqi election will work. MEMRI (Mid East Media Research) has put together a fairly decent synopsis of the situation and process including some information about the different parties and their associations.
This post will consolidate the information from multiple sources, including the Iraqi Election Commission, MEMRI and information gleaned from the Media and other resources, into a question and answer (FAQ) format.
Iraq Election Chart Jan 2005
Q: What Day Are The Elections Scheduled?
A: The Nation Wide Elections will be held Monday, Jan 31, 2005.
Update 01/08/05: the election will be held on Sunday, Jan 30, 2005
Q: Who Is Eligible to Vote?
A: 14 Million Iraqis are eligible to vote. Just over half of the population of 25 million. According to CPA Order 96, Section 5,:
Q: Were the Iraqis issued voter's registration cards?
A: No. The food coupon or ration card database will act as the voters registration list.
Q: How will the eligible voters be identified at the polling stations?
A: Each eligible voter will present a valid identification that will be compared to the voters registration list based on the Food For Oil food coupon or ration card database.
Q: How will poll stations know if a voter has already voted?
A: Similar to Afghanistan, as each voter presents themselves at the polling station, their thumb will be dipped into a pot of indelible ink. This ink will not wash off. Voters with indelible ink on their thumbs will not be allowed to vote again.
Q: Where will the polling stations be located?
A: Information on polling stations' specific locations have not been reported by the media. The polling stations will most likely be at schools, community centers, town halls, hospitals or clinics and mosques. May also include original registration centers for the food ration/voter registration data base. There will be 7000 ballot locations
Q: What time will the polling stations be open?
A: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sign urging Iraqis to vote: "To give a chance to our children"
Q: Will Iraqi Citizens outside of the country be allowed to vote?
A: Yes. The International Migration Office will manage this process.
Q: Who will be eligible to vote from outside of the country?
A: Iraqi citizens with a passport or other specified documentation proving citizenship were directed to report to designated "out of country voting" registration stations to be added to the list of eligible voters.
Q: Where can out of country citizens vote?
A: A mail-in ballot is not possible in the short timeframe available to conduct the Iraq OCV Program; therefore registration and voting will be conducted in person at registration centres established for this purpose in the 14 countries. A person must register and vote in the same location. Visit the Iraq Out of Country Voting website for more information.
Q: What are the Iraqis voting for?
A: In the Nation Wide Elections, Iraqis will be issued two ballots, one for each of the following:
In Kurdistan, a third ballot will be issued for the Kurdish Autonomous Parliament which has 111 seats
Q: What will the ballots look like?
A: Each ballot will contain the following:
Unknown party, but this political poster reads: For the sake of a prosperous Iraq. Other pictures on the internet show this poster nearly as prominent as the UIC. The symbol used will most likely be the symbol next to the party's name on the ballot. The UIC uses a candle as it's symbol and that will most likely be what appears on the ballot. The Iraq Election Commision rules prohibited the use of religious symbols, Saddamist symbols, pictures of mass graves and other "emotional" symbols from being depicted by the parties or used on the ballot.
Q: How many boxes or lists of candidates on the ballot will the Iraqis be allowed to select?
A: Only one box or list of candidates can be checked or selected on the ballot.
Q: Who is eligible to run for election to the National Assembly?
A: A nominee to the National Assembly must fulfill the following conditions, TAL Chapter 4, Article 32:
Q: Will Iraqis be voting for individual candidates to the National Assembly?
A: No. Iraqis will be voting for a list of candidates from registered political parties and entities.
Q: How were the lists of candidates compiled?
A: The registered political parties or entities submitted a list of candidates to the Iraqi Election Commission for review and approval.
Q: How many registered lists of candidates will be on the ballot?
A: As of December 3, 2004, 226 political parties or entities were registered with the Iraqi Election Commission. Many of these political parties have banded together to provide "unified" lists, such as the Kurdistan Alliance List which consists of candidates from all of the Kurdish political parties. The Iraqi Election Blog notes 17 known unified lists of candidates. Additional "unified lists" may appear on the ballot.
Update 01/08/05: There are 83 slates or lists of candidates that will appear on the ballot.
Update 01/13/05: The brothers at Iraq The Model informed me that their Iraq Pro-Democracy Party has fronted a list of 12 candidates. Their random party number from the IEC is 319.
Update 01/13/05: Zeyad, an Iraqi Blogger takes a look at some of the parties, their members and their history. The New Iraq also takes a look at some of the parties and their members.
Children play beneath a sign for the United Iraqi Alliance which reads:Voting for the United Iraqi Alliance is voting for a multi-cultural society. The UIC is the major "shia" party in the elections, but has a joint list that includes many secularists and "Sunni" candidates.
Update 01/13/05:
Q: How will the lists of candidates be ordered on the ballot?
A: Each party was assigned a random three digit number. This became their party registration number and will appear on the ballot beside their party name. A lottery was held and each party's number was placed in the lottery bin. The numbers were then drawn and the order of the drawing is the order that they will appear on the ballot, regardless of the size or prominance of the party or the random three digit number assigned to them by the Iraq Election Commission.
Police officer stands in front of a billboard urging Iraqis to vote. On his ak47 magazine is the number "179" which is the random three digit number given to the United Iraqi Alliance, the major "Shia" party.
Q: Are women allowed to stand for election?
A: Yes. According to the TAL, Chapter 4, Article 31, women must make up no less than 1/4, or one quarter, of the National Assembly. To achieve this goal, every 3rd (third) candidate on the list of candidates must be a woman.
Q: How will the 275 seats of the National Assembly be allocated?
A: The seats on the National Assembly will be allocated on a proportional scale, based on the percentage of votes received.
British soldier stands beneath a political poster in Iraq. Unknown party, but I wanted to post it to show that there are different parties posting election posters. The symbol here is a date tree I believe and, again, is probably the symbol that will appear for this party on the ballot.
Q: Will the Iraqis be voting for the position of President?
A: No. This election is strictly for the open seats in the National Assembly and local councils.
Q: How is the President Elected?
A: The National Assembly elects the Presidency Council, TAL Chapter 5, Article 36.
Q: Does this mean that President Gazi al-Yawar may be replaced after the election of the National Assembly on January 30, 2005?
A: Yes. After the National Assembly is elected, they (the National Assembly) will elect a new Presidency Council which will include a President and two deputies or Vice Presidents.
Updated 01/13/05
Q: Can President Gazi al-Yawar run for election to the National Assembly or as President?
Q: Who is eligible to become a member of the Presidency Council?
A: A nominee for the Presidency Council must fulfill all of the conditions for an Assembly member AND, TAL Chapter 5, Article 36:
Q: Will the Iraqis be voting for the position of Prime Minister?
A: No. This election is strictly for the open seats in the National Assembly and local councils.
Q: How is the Prime Minister elected?
A: After the President is elected by the National Assembly, the President will nominate an eligible person for the position, TAL Chapter 5, Article 38.
Q: Does this mean that Prime Minister Iyad Allawi may be replaced after the election of the National Assembly on January 30, 2005?
A: Yes. After the National Assembly is elected, they will elect a new Presidency Council. The new Presidency Council will nominate a candidate for a new Prime Minister. (see question, "How is the Prime Minister elected?")
Updated 01/13/05
Q: Can Prime Minister Allawi run for election to the National Assembly or as President or Prime Minister?
Q: Who is eligible for nomination as Prime Minister?
A: The qualifications for Prime Minister must be the same as for the members of the Presidency Council except that his age must not be less than 35 years upon his taking office, TAL Chapter 5, Article 38
Q: What is the responsibility of the National Assembly that will be elected January 31?
A: The National Assembly will be responsible for writing the new Iraqi Constitution which will take the place of the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) signed into law by special ambassador L. Paul Bremer. TAL Chapter 9, Article 60
A man walks by political posters in Baghdad. I can't make out the words, but the picture is of al-Husayn, head of the Iraq Constitutional Monarchy Party. Iraq Constitutional Monarch
Q: Will the average Iraqi citizen have input for the constitution or will it be written solely by the assembly?
A: During the period that the constitution is being developed and written, the National Assembly will present regular reports through the media, news briefings, public meetings throughout Iraq and other devices on the progress and the laws under consideration. These presentations are to encourage debate and feedback from the citizens. TAL, Chapter 9, Article 60.
Q: How will the new Constitution become the law of the land?
A: The National Assembly will have until August 15, 2005 to write the new Iraqi Constitution. TAL, Chapter 9, Article 61
Billboard reads: "To give a chance to our children". Urging Iraqis to vote. Plastered on the bottom are signs for the United Iraqi Alliance, the main "Shia" party which also has a number of secular and "Sunni" smaller parties that joined it on it's list of candidates.
Q: What happens if the National Assembly does not have a constitution written and ready for the general referendum by August 15, 2005?
A: The president of the National Assembly (not to be confused with the Presidency Council; similar to the Speaker of the House or President of the Senate in the US), no later than August 1, 2005, must inform the Presidency Council that the Assembly requires more time.
Q: What if the National Assembly is still unable to write the new Consitution after the date was extended?
A: The National Assembly will be disolved and a new National Assembly will be elected by the people of Iraq.
Q: How many votes in the general referendum must be received for the constitution to be ratified or voted into law?
A: The constitution must receive a simple majority of the popular vote AND not be rejected by the people in three or more provinces, TAL Chapter 9, Article 61C
Iraqi actors perform at a Baghdad theater. The program urged Iraqis to vote and warned them about the dangers facing Iraq. If I had to interpret this image, the man in front is throwing off his "chains" and the people are being "freed" from their cages.
Update 01/21/05:
To see televised broadcasts of Iraqi election campaign ads, go to MemriTV
For daily updates on the progress of elections and the situation in the many provinces of Iraq, go to Friends of Democracy: Iraq
The Fallacy of the Abraham Accords
4 hours ago
Hey Kat,
You did a great job here. Thank you for the info.
This might not be the official election site, but it should be. If this info got out to the streets it would change the whole complextion of the debate. Maybe the Iraqis would be talking about what should be in their Constitution rather than who will be the temporary President for the next few months.
How is the Constitution to be used and enforced; can it or should it be changed for "light and transient causes" (Thomas Jefferson); who or what is the final arbitor of constitutional disputes and how; do the rights of the people come FROM the government or do the rights of the government come FROM the people; who controls the military and in what situations can it be used; who controls the national purse and how are the monies to be obtained and dispersed?
Is anyone thinking of these very basic questions?
Brian K
Brian, you are so right to ask those questions. For instance, I bet (and I will blog on it) a bunch of people don't know that after the new constitution is written and ratified, it will most likely outline a new form of government. It may not look like the current parliamentary structure.
Furthermore, after the constitution is ratified, whatever form of government that it calls for will have a new election to elect NEW representatives to the NEW government on Dec 15, 2005. Just two short months later.
It is their constitution that matters now and most of these folks don't get it because, you are right, they are more worried about who their "leader" is than what might happen to them if they don't put the right laws, checks and balances, etc in place. The leader is, as much as we even talk about our president, only a small cog in the wheel of government as he should be.
I'm not sure the average Iraqi on the street gets that.
Kat, Another excellent blog. I posted about your blog and specifically this information. Hope you get lots of traffic since it is important that all of us understand. Those who have not read Iraqi blogs probably have little idea of what is involved in this important election. Thanks again for all the research you do.
Kat - awesome!My only concern now: Is the 'timeline' for pursuing a new constitution AND follow-up general elections realistic?
If following the new elections it is decided to extend the time frame wonder what kind of impact it will have...
Take care! :)
I agree with Brian. This should be the Iraqi election information website. Great job and an awesome blog as usual!
A chant for peace hear us,
I call on the innocent souls that have parted, hear us,
Who fought and believed in this freedom, hear us,
Come forth to avenge the living, hear us,
To take down the disbelievers, hear us,
To end the terrorist evil, hear us,
We ask for them to be dealt with, hear us,
Oh mighty, peaceful spirit of life everlasting, defeat the evil against these good people and all good people here on earth, that have suffered so long, hear us,
We would like the terrorist dead, we would like them all dead, and we want the evil with them to descend to a place only you can destroy, with your almighty hand, to the everlasting fires of hell. Oh Lord of Lords we pray, and may they never surface again, may you keep them in the darkness, of all eternity. (Keep repeating)
So much for the virgins! So give it up, you loose, you scum sucking terrorist!
Man is earth's Choicemaker. He is by nature and nature's
God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria. His unique and
definitive characteristic is, and of Right ought to be, the
natural foundation of his environments, institutions, and
respectful relations to his fellow-man. Thus, he is oriented
to a Freedom whose roots are in the natural Order of the
an American Choicemaker
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