Mr. Moore,
You are a scurrilous, obese, disgusting, treasonous dog. A stinking boil on the ass of humanity.
How did it feel when you heard Osama Bin Laden, the arch enemy and single most prolific mass murderer of 3000 Americans, quote your movie? Did it give you a vicarious thrill? You piece of shit.
Not enough that your poisonous filth was distributed by the terrorist "minutemen" of your fantastical nightmare, Hezbollah, or shown in Iran, that "free" country that hangs little girls for speaking out against the religious fanaticism of her country while you decry the faith of the President of the country which you infamously claim citizenship to. You must now believe yourself some Godhead, having captured the attention of your favorite celebrity, the same scum which you declared justified in his acts only a day after your fellow citizens were burned to a crisp in two towers by an inferno of jet fuel, or forced to jump to their death from 100 stories, crushed beneath the weight of hundreds of thousands of tons of steel and concrete. Nothing left to identify them but a shard of a leg bone, a tooth, a finger.
And the patriots and soldiers at their duty stations in the Pentagon, who have forever protected your odious right to free speech and produce the filthy lie you call a documentary. Or the men and women on flight 93 over Pennsylvania, who understood better than you, a piece of offal not worthy of gracing the bottom of their shoes, what it meant to be real patriots and minutemen. Giving their very last breath to protect this country you so despise.
In your imposter of a documentary, you claim that Halliburton was a war profiteer and yet, there you live in your mansion, bought with the money you made not only from the blood of those 3000 victims, but the blood of the Iraqis and the blood of the soldiers. You evil, bleeding, puss ridden hemorrhoid on society.
You declared that Americans were stupid and then you proved it to yourself by producing propaganda for their very killers and they watched it with glee, filling your pockets with the thirty shekels of silver for a Judas. How appropriate that image is. If only you would hang yourself like Judas and save us the the ignomy of your presence in the same world as the heroic families of those victims.
How you must have laughed up your sleeve as they bought the tickets, DVD's or rented your movie. Wallowing in your blood money like Caligula at an orgy.
Zell Miller once declared that he wished we lived in a time when a man could challenge another to duel when confronted with the smirking face of Chris Matthews. For me, I wish we lived in a time when men like you were whipped, tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. Of course, to remove you in such a fashion would require that the rail be a fifteen inch steel I-beam, the Las Braes tar pits would have to be drained to cover your fat, postule ridden body and the number of chickens that would need to be killed to cover your humongous, sweaty ass with feathers would be nothing short of genocide. Lastly, to carry you from our presence would require two F350 pick up trucks with steel re-enforced frames.
You think yourself Prometheus, bringing fire and light to humanity. It is my hope that your everlasting damnation be the same as his, chained to a mountain while vultures eat your liver out every day, only to regenerate and have it happen again from here to eternity. Ahh...but that would still not be good enough as the vultures would probably choke on the putrid fat and flesh of your body before they ever reached the only functioning organ you ever possessed.
You will go down in infamy as the Goebbels of the twenty first century. Benedict Arnold without the grace or past heroic endeavors of even a traitor like he.
What words are there to describe you? A traitor. A murderer. A pig. A viper at the breast of America and her sister Liberty.
In your last days, as you lay dying in the stinking heaping sty you will call a bed, my fondest hope is that you die screaming at the ghosts of your cruel hypocrisy, choking on the evil bile that is your whoring, decrepit soul.
And don't think that I want you to die too soon. No, that would be too easy. I want you to live and see what you have wrought with that duplicitous, blackened lump of coal you call your mind. Live well off your blood money, you pompous hypocrite, the better the demons to torment you in the rejected, lonely future I foresee for you. Because even that traitorous bastard ex-President Jimmy Carter will be forced to abandon you to your own ignomy once the next attack of your pernicious hero is perpetrated having spoken your very words. All those who once lauded you at Caanes will speak your name in a hushed, harsh whisper, lest they be reminded of how they once bowed down and kissed your hairy, amorphous ass.
As you have no heart and no love for your fellow man, I see you dying, unloved and unwanted by the very society you wished to pervade with that perverse pornography you called the "truth".
Sleep easy tonight, for I am sure that no nightmare will disturb you as you must first have a soul to be so tormented. I am sure if you ever read this you would shrug and wash your hands, like Pontius Pilate, of the blood of the innocents you helped to kill. Keep scrubbing, their blood will never wash off, because it is a stain forever branded on the stinking ass of your life.
You are reviled and remain so, forever more.
Proud Citizen of the United States of America
How Far Will Rwanda Go in Congo?
11 hours ago
Oh My God Kat! We SOOOOOO think a like. I just wrote the SAME THING at Cigarette Smoking Man & ~Jen~'s pages!!!!
Can you believe that? He SO OBVIOUSLY saw that movie and it's beyond disgusting...Do people realize that there is a difference between free speech -political dissent and TREASON!?
Bravo! Like you, I can taste the bile rising in my throat when I think of what Moore and the rest of those cowards have wrought. If Kerry wins there will be no living with them. Go vote. Everyone go vote.
Oh. My. God. Like, I SO totally agree with Ala71. Like, Michael Moore is such a traitor and all. And like, we should so burn him at the stake, and stuff. That would be way cool. Oops, gotta run, time for my thrice-daily peroxide treatment. See ya!
Yup. Dittos. You go girl!
Terrific post! I linked this on Free Republic (hope that's okay ;) )
ms heather
It's "ignominy".
How Bigoted, Hidebound, Illiberal, Insular, Petty, Short-Sighted, Small-Minded, Strait-Laced and Unenlarged one must be to view life as you all do... Focus on a persons weight as your only resorce for foray...
You should at least make valid arguments on the points descused by Michael Moore.
The fact is that Jorge W. Bush is a pointy head simpleton! Not only that but when he funds an anti-carry film to air one day before the elections out of our tax money.. he is not just a simpleton but an unrealistic old fogy.
typical self-indulgent winger garbage.
personally, i'm more angry that this cocksucker is alive, healthy, and able to distrubute propaganda like this.
fact is, bin laden is as tuned into the american zeitgeist as anyone else. he knows he's feared and hated, and he knows the political conversation of this election. i don't think he was channeling moore specifially..
it is typical though, and telling, that you reserve your outrage and hate for Moore, rather than bin laden...
Ah...I hope my anonymous friends come back to and read my letter to bin Laden, which I was interruped from writing. Worry not friends. I have saved my best for him. Michael Moore incites my anger, but bin Laden, for him I reserve my coldest fury.
As for addressing the points of his movie, it's been done 1000 times. I feel no need to do it again. You anonymous folks wouldn't listen anyway, which is why I put my mind to write him what I think of him.
But go on, in the face of the bastard bin Laden reciting parts of Moore's movie, you defend him and so, you are reviled, too. Let us hope you were at least a little disturbed, lest you realize who you really are.
Do you know why he is the first to feel my wrath? Because he is an American. That makes him the worst kind. A fellow citizen who has enjoyed the rights and privileges provided by this country and yet has assisted the enemy. He could have done no worse than be the pilot on one of those planes. *************************************************
Tesco, ala, right...thank you. It was off the cuff. Right in the middle of writing bin Laden, In addressing his odious speech and his actions, I realized where he got some of his information and I had to write down what I thought of the scum from Michigan.
164 Jihad Verses in the Koran:
C'mon Kat, don't hold back... Tell us what you really think ;-)
I have an open invitation:
"I invite anyone who is interested to a little celebration. When Michael Mhore's puny little heart explodes lets all take a trip to urinate on his grave. I'm going... You are welcome to join me. " -- DANEgerus
I assume there will be a line?
Great blog! You're an excellent writer! I love how you let Michael Moore have it! I'm linking to you. If you ever get a response from him, please share.
You nailed that one Kat (as always). I can't wait to read the next one.
Thoughtful and reflective - with just the right amount of anger. Those of us that read you on a regular basis know how well you've covered the points you mention.
Great job!
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy = treason?
Excellent. I posted a link to it on my blog when I did my little rant :)
Preach sister, preach - we can ONLY hope that it puts enough of a scare in the frigging liberals that they realize that scary Kerry won't be of any use in a crisis. Please Lord, let Bush have four more years.
I stand back, awed, shielding my eyes from the white heat of your anger; sharing it and only wishing I were half as eloquent.
Blight, thy name is Michael Moore.
It's been my life's observance that hatred hurts no one but he or she who does the hating. This was why I posted the photo gallery I leeched out of Protest Warrior to show the seething, slithering hatred the left have for W and for all of us who want America to be strong.
I know that sometimes it's very tempting to mimick the behavior of the left, and boil over in anger, and to breathe fire and brimstone the way they do, but I think we should be better than they are. We should be the cool, calculating, level-headed faction which knows that which must be done and simply does it, by hook or by crook, and let the insipid yammering of the dogs out on the street get swept away by the cleaners thereof.
Whenever I get tempted to hate, I just do breathing exercises, let it all flow out, like fixing a short by connecting the ground wire. Then I become functional again.
That being said, it is without hatred or even anger that I point out that it is probable that Bin Laden harvests his propaganda ideas from a wide variety of sources on the left, chiefly Michael Moore but certainly not leaving out Max Cleland, Jesse Jackson, Robert Byrd, nearly all of the music industry, extreme leftist college professors, TV news anchors (outside of Fox) and Kerry and Edwards themselves.
It's a win-win situation for Bin Laden at this particular juncture of timing, because if Bush wins the election it can be said he knew who his enemy was going to be for the next four years; and if Bush loses he could claim to have swayed the American people with his words, the way train bombs did in Spain. The latter would be a terrible accusation of American cowardice because at least in Spain the bombs had to go OFF. Here all it takes is a few threats, couched in quotes from the Democrat National Convention, and that's all she wrote here.
I am prepared for either eventuality on 11/2. Either a Bush victory and the moronic rioting the mindless left will predictably resort to out of immature unacceptance of their loss; or a Bush loss and the decorum we shall have to display and an example we'll have to set as a truly LOYAL opposition, supporting people we don't agree with as they take charge of the tasks of the war with terrorists.
Moore is probably proud.
Decent Democrats are probably embarassed and disgusted...
All three of them ;-)
Ciggy...geesh, I can't have any fun? I was pissed when I wrote it, that's for sure.
However, for bin Laden, it is cold and calculating revenge.
Out-fucking-standing! Brava!
Barbara Skolaut
(who didn't wish to make a Blogger account to post this, but didn't want to be "anonymous" either.)
Ah, masterful. I do so wish I had had the ability to write that. Lacking that, the only thing I can do is link it.
WOW... Tell us how your REALLY FEEL.
Leave it to a wonderful person from the other side of the Show Me State to Show Me what matters.
Riceburner, I agree with the general gist of what you say about the legality of "treasonous words", although I would note that when it progresses beyond speech to material aid, and material comfort, to America's enemies, American legal precedent does not so swiftly surround the offender with such a near-impenetrable wall of defense. During the Clinton administration, members of America's "militia movement" were captured and prosecuted on such grounds, on somewhat ephemeral ties to Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols, or some of the others who advocated violence after the Waco tragedy. Mark Koernke is still in jail in Michigan, last I heard, for brandishing a rifle at a process server--an offense normally resulting in 30 days in County or thereabouts, but because of his political ties, they're "still making an example out of him".
The U.S. Constitution very much has a "sticks and stones" attitude--talk trash all you want, but pick up a rock and you WILL get crushed.
I think some on the left are itching to pick up a rock, and they may want to study the Koernke case before they do so.
Step through the looking-glass here to see a right-wing version of what the left shows out on the streets today.
"The Goebels charge- doesnt really fit Moore at this time he's only produced one work to Goebels hundreds not to mention intent."
Actually Moore's produced about a half-dozen or so films similar to F 9/11. It's just that F 9/11 is his most popular, which indicates to me that he's more of a follower than an instigator, in the left-wing hatefest out there. Those millions of protesters didn't just pop up overnight.
"CSM neither the far right or the far left deserve to run this country- the people who do (the ones being ignored this election) are the people in the middle, the moderates, the people who arent absolutly sure that they have the one and only true answer."
That in itself can be an extremist ideology though. If you "extremely" believe in always going for the half a loaf rather than at least trying to get everything you want, then what you really end up with is a quarter loaf because the counter-offer by the other side is "nothing". You're not very familiar with how to negotiate, are you?
"The election is in two days and I find people on both sides that make me sick."
I actually do too, but I find a higher number of them, and to a higher degree, on the left-hand side of the political equation at the moment.
You quibble about one word and it's meaning. i assume you agree with the remainder of the charges?
As for 'treason', i believe treason to be in the intent of the person. Was his intent to just make money? To just prick the American people?/
Was he just a stupid dupe who thought himself a jester?
I believe his acts to be questionable in this regard:
He advocated the defeat of American forces during wartime.
He presented lies about America and the President during war time,
He conspired to have his film distributed to the enemies of the United States for the purpose of giving the enemy aid and comfort
He conspired to undermined the morale of the American soldiers during wartime and interfere with a war effort by distributing his film to mililitary personnel for free and into a warzone
He solicited and printed letters of dissent from soldiers on the front line in order to decrease morale and interfere with the war effort
We haven't even gotten to the fact, having conspired to have his film distributed to the enemy, portions of his film being used for propaganda by the enemy, he has now provided aid and comfort to the enemy.
If you look in my archives i do discuss Free Speech and Political dissent vs. treason.
Check it and tell me where I am wrong.
OK..nice one Kat. But where are the pic of the naked girls???
Thanks G-man for turning me on to Kat's blog and this post in particular. I'll be pointing my loyal readers to this one for sure! I hope you don't mind if I link to your blog Kat. Thanks and keep up the good work! :)
Thank You
I am retired from the Air National Guard last DEC. I served in both Gulf Wars and have been insulted by Moores movie and his continual attacks on our country. Again I just wanted to say Thank You.
Chuck Lewis -CMSGT, Ret.
Somebody hasn't been taking their medication lately. I suggest you call for a refill. Immediately.
"CSM always trying to get everything you want is fine as long as you have the desire to negotatiate- the problem is the Bush admin has no such desire."
The time to negotiate is AFTER elections, silly, not DURING them.
"Have you looked at the way they vilify anyone who disagrees with them? Look at Zell Miller who accused Democrats of trying to bring down the Commander-in-Chief by having the gall to run against him."
I think you misquote Mr. Miller.
"He said what they couldnt get away with saying but its what they feel."
However much you charge for your psychic readings to people, I think they are getting ripped off.
"Rove belives you can win by energizing your base and ignoring the rest of the country."
This would explain "9/11 Democrats" then?
"You claim he wants America to be defeated- that he encourages the enemy to attack us. No where have I seen where he has stated this"
Mr. Moore stated, regarding the Iraqi insurgency, and I quote:
"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy.' They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win."
It's still up and available on Moore's own website here.
Seems you don't know much about Michael Moore and yet pontificate endlessly about him. Might I suggest some more serious research before you embarrass yourself further?
"I shall go searching for how this problem was handled by the British"
It would seem the way it was handled by the British was a major motivation for our forefathers to fight them for our independance from them.
Chief Lewis: were you in the 314th OMS? Or the 8th SOS? I may have been in one of your Squadrons at one time. That is, unless it was a different CMSgt Lewis...
They say Missouri is a "bellwether" state, the political crucible in which the candidates mettle is fired and tested. It is historical, he who wins Missouri wins America. We, in the heart of the middle of the United States, reflect the sentiments of "the average American." We're also the "Show Me State," we look at deeds, not words.
The mainstream media reacted to Michael Moore's anti-Bush movie with dissonant praise; most essentially said "We know Michael Moore is lying, but we hope it helps defeat George Bush." Now that Osama Bin Laden has adopted Michael Moore's propaganda in 2004, just as General Giap adopted John Kerry's propaganda in 1971, it becomes unmistakably obvious which way this election will play out.
Missouri will vote for Bush. So will America.
-Mr. Beamish (in St. Louis)
When Michael Moore dies and goes to Hell,he'll be made to change that old whore HBW's Depends for the next 1000 years while he is forced to watch all the old people fuck at
I think I feel pretty much the same as you do about mr. moore, I do however think it's irrelivant and immature to talk about his obvious physical flaws & shortcomings. These things have nothing to do with why we all dislike him so intensly.(would you hate him any less if he looked like Tom Selleck) Making fun of someones looks is schoolyard stuff, you certainly don't need to resort to that to get your point across.
Traitors are as traitors do. Gotta pinch the chocolate to know what's inside. Run, Mikey, run (or waddle, Mikey, waddle)
Hey, Anon and the rest getting your panties into a snit about references to MM's weight: it is a major part of his costume! Like the jeans, the grubby t-shirt, the unbuttoned long sleeve shirt or jacket, the dummy hat - it's all a costume! He may wear it around all the time, but except for his appearance at Cannes, where he shoehorned into a tux, the phoney "Mike from Flynt" signature, it is his schtick. So it is, as Lizzie Edwards would say, fair game. Hey, check out the photo at, providing you got a strong stomach.
Kat, KATN, kid!
I think that MM is the scum of the earth, and that only the most fanatical of the left wing nutcases(90% of the Hollywood crowd) like or respect him.
I also believe that Kat is a very intelligent, well read, and extremely articulate psychotic.She takes a screeching, spewing, head spinning hatred to a whole new level. Whoever is caring for her needs to get her re evaluated or double her present dosage.----She makes Regan( remember the "Exorcist") look like Mr Peepers.
letters like that (open letter to Mr Moore)are what he lives for, in fact he revels in it. She is playing right into his grimy hands. When he can get his detractors THIS angry, he has accomplished his mission. The most effective way to get to him, is the Dennis Miller approach. You stay calm, cool, and smiling, while hitting him with funny, slashing, biting, sarcastic wit.
I did not think someone so inherently stupid could manage to use such a keyboard for such a prolonged amount of time...
Michael Moore tried doing you simpleton neanderthal americans a service and enlightening you, unfortunatly do to deep seated self rightheousness and fascism that is the "american way" too many of you were brainwashed to do anything about it...
Osama is just a bogey man Bush and co are using to keep you scared little creatures so you do as they please, you are all nothing but the most basic form of puppet.
How fucking convenient that Osama happens to record a video the week of election quoting Michael Moore and making comments about the election, please could any other race of people be so more gullible than americans to fall for this devious ploy.
If Osama was such a threat and was hellbent determined to destroy america and freedom hasnt it occured to any of you braindead republican biological mass of ignorance that perhaps there would have been more terrorist attacks since 9-11.. but no, there has been no attacks from sleeper cells or any group of islamic militants based in the US in YEARS!...
wonder why ????
Because they dont exist you simple flecking fools.. they are just figments of your imagination, placed their by your government to keep you nice and compliant, like sheep in a paddock.
To the person who wrote this letter, you are just sterotypical trailer trash who has somehow managed to learn how to use a keyboard and spell checker so you could slew together this inane attempt at an insult of someone who is far more educated and enlightened on such matters than you could ever hope to be.
You dont even compare to the sweat of moore's ass crack for that matter.
Looks like we have a classic case of an ultra-extreme lefty who is not taking the election results very well.--- Do you really think anyone takes this kind of sore loser rant seriously?
All of you categorised as trailer trash by anonymous really don't see the big picture. Which race controls the American economy? They are a minority.They pump money into both presidential candidates. Any American President will be their puppet. This is the shadow government that actually controls America. The moneymen. Greedy, dirty. Hitler knew it and he did something about it. bin Laden is not going after us..he's after them. So's Saddam. Henry Ford, and many others quietly plotting the economic takeover from these people. Money is power. As long as they are in control, the world will keep spinning the way they want it. Chaos, controlled by them.
If this was, as Kat so ignorantly put it, such a terrible occurance then why is the documentary such a great success?
The "blood-money" he's made is from your neighbours, your bosses (if u blood-sucking, eccentric fools even have jobs and don't just sit at home typing vindictive bullshit) and even your friends!
these movies are popular for a good reason, they provide another side to the story and provide a much broader perspective than you people are giving it credit for.
If i were you i'd stop this stupid-talk and talk about something you know something about.
In my oppinion this whole discussion is just a pointless waste of time on behalf of all of you. Do you really think you're making a difference?
Come on guys get a grip...or a hobby.
that letter was pathetic, as is the fool who called the anonymous people cowards, this ones to you kat:
treason?? once more pathetic, treason is the excuse they used to hang people who didn't agree with them in medieval times, you mention the little girl whp was hanged for speaking out against her religion in your letter, and yet you accuse michael moore of treason for disagreeing with your government. well done kat, you did well, i assume your ridiculous lette which had no actual valid points was to gain kudos from the extremists and fanatics who visit this blog and you succeeded.
and as for you jr, you think somehow posting two meaningless letters as your name makes you more "courageous" than people writing under the name anonymous? if you think it does than you are *almost* as pathetic as kat, but not quite.
George Bush is responsible for 150,000 deaths (in Iraq) and another one every 12 minutes...
Well done America.
The only thing you seem to be able to liberate, are people from their lives.
As for Kat..sad, pathetic and without content. Your letter is one of a person with to much time on their hands and..oh yawn...I can't even be bothered.
You should listen too the few "non sheep" you have left in your war mongering nation....Land of the arse..
And JR. I'm sure "pseudonym" is a big word for you...
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