Friday, August 17, 2007

Zombie Democracy

"I doubt there is any country on this planet with a democracy more alive than the one we enjoy in Venezuela today."

Hugo Chavez to make himself president for life

The Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez has anointed himself president for life by proposing sweeping changes to the country's constitution.

Setting out his plans for completing his socialist revolution in the oil-rich Latin American nation, he proposing radical constitutional reform which has at its centre indefinite re-election for himself.

In a rambling televised speech reminiscent of his close ally and friend Fidel Castro, Mr Chavez told the national assembly of 33 changes he plans to make to the constitution he introduced in 1999 which will cement his grip on power.

"We have broken the chains of the old, exploitative capitalist system," said Mr Chavez. "The state now has the obligation to build the model of a socialist economy."

Of course, he sides steps any accusation that he's out to become a dictator. He is simply enacting the will of the people. Hitler much?

Jumping on the long black train of third world nations and dictators that need an outside enemy for the people to focus on while their rights are slowly eroded:

The armed forces, which have already adopted the salute "Fatherland, socialism or death", will have their mission enshrined as being "patriotic and anti-imperialist" in their defense of Venezuela against the United States, which considers Mr Chavez a threat to its influence in the region.

Actually, we aren't making Venezuela or Chavez our enemy, he is choosing to create that illusion himself so he can claim extraordinary powers for "security" like all the dictators before him.

As Mr Chavez's speech drew to a close he said: "I doubt there is any country on this planet with a democracy more alive than the one we enjoy in Venezuela today."

Frankly, I have serious doubts about how "alive" anyone in Venezuela actually is because it definitely has to take a bunch of zombies to cheer for and actively participate in the unquestioning destruction of their freedom and democracy.

Read also:

Ending Term Limits

Revolutionary Amateur Decision Makers

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