Monday, January 09, 2006

The Revolution Will Be Blogged

Generally, I'm not a supporter of quota based government, but sometimes, somethings are better than none:

AMMAN — Women activists on Sunday welcomed Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit's pledge to designate a quota for women in the upcoming municipal elections slated for this year.

“We are really pleased that the prime minister supports our initiatives and we considered it a very positive step,” said Senator and Secretary General of the Jordanian National Forum For Women (JNFW) Mai Abul Samen.

It is an indication that the prime minister values the importance of women's participation in political life, Abul Samen told The Jordan Times.

The JNFW and other women's organisations launched a nationwide campaign last month to collect signatures calling on the government to designate 15-20 per cent of the seats for women — a figure which would double their current participation.

This is the contradiction of the ME. A state will support women in political life and voting, yet, at the same time, give their killers for "honor" a slap on the wrist. It's why Westerners find them so confusing. But, at least from this perspective and that of the enrolled women voters from Kuwait, they are actually trying to do something, which is a lot more than can be said for the magical Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, although, I have read an article recently that said the magical kingdom may give women the right to drive themselves wherever they go.

Shocking! The Next thing you know, they might actually demand to enter the front door of a restaurant that serves liquor (really!)

Activists welcome government's pledge to give quota for women in upcoming municipal elections

But, just in case you think it's only Jordan, Bahrain flies in right behind them and announces a new initiative to improve female participation in government.

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