Monday, January 09, 2006

Man arrested for allegedly shooting sister in the face

AMMAN — A 24-year-old man is in police custody after reportedly shooting his sister and two other people inside a hospital in the Kingdom on Wednesday, official sources said.

The 22-year-old victim was allegedly shot twice in the face and head by her brother, who was immediately arrested, said Media Office Director at the Public Security Department (PSD) Major Bashir Dajeh.

And the reason was?

A second source told The Jordan Times that initial investigations indicated that the victim's brother reportedly shot her for reasons related to family honour.

“The victim was seen with a man at a public place and her family threatened her life. She was ordered detained by the administrative governor for her own safety,” the source said.

On Monday, the source added, the victim was sick and was transferred from her detention centre to the hospital for treatment.

“The suspect was monitoring his sibling's movements and when she was released from treatment on Wednesday morning to be taken back to her detention centre he shot her twice,” the source added.

This is the first reported incident related to family honour to take place in the Kingdom this year.

Last year, roughly 15 people were reported killed in Jordan in so-called honour crimes, according to official sources.

Please note that this guy went to a lot of trouble to track down and kill his sister. This is cold blooded, premeditated murder, not a crime of passion.

The fact is, these kinds of killings are not going to stop until the mothers, daughters and sisters of Jordan stand up and demand that these murderers get real punishment and they tell the world that they aren't going to take it.

Right now, far too many NGOs and women's organizations are silent about this treatment. Why, it is unfathomable except that they are more concerned about irrevocably damaging the cultural identity instead of protecting individual rights.

It's a shame, really.

On top of that, I suspicion that this guy actually knew that his sister was being transferred to the hospital because somebody in the police department tipped him off. Pretty typical in an Arab state.

Man arrested for allegedly shooting sister in the face

I think they ought to give this guy "life without parole" at least.

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