Saturday, March 19, 2011

Zawahiri's Brother Released From Prison in Egypt

According to this report on Friday, Ayman al Zawahiri's brother has been released from prison in Egypt as part of the "political prisoners" release demanded by various parties.

Mohamed al-Zawahiri was released Thursday along with scores of other political prisoners after orders from Egypt's Interior Ministry, said Nizar Ghorab, who claimed al-Zawahiri was tortured in prison.
Al-Zawahiri had been in jail since 1999 after being detained and extradited from the United Arab Emirates on allegations that he was linked to the assassination of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Al-Zawahiri was acquitted on the assassination charges but later was accused of conspiring against the Egyptian government.

Please tell me we knew about it and that we now have some covert or, hell, even overt assets crawling up this guy's a$$.  

I am very surprised that nobody else on the right side of the aisle or the left have covered this.  Is Libya, Japan and Unions so engrossing we forgot we're at war? 

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