Thursday, July 19, 2007

Democrats Deliver Care Packages to Senate But Can't Support Our Troops

I think I just about lost my mind when I read this report:

Metal Cots, Takeout Pizza and a Long Night of Recriminations

As midnight approached, the crowds began to grow, filling the visitor’s gallery above the Senate floor and forming a long line outside the chamber. Ordinary citizens watched, seemingly spellbound, as Republicans accused Democrats of staging a political show to dramatize opposition to the war. Even as Democrats brushed aside such suggestions, the party’s Congressional leaders and many lawmakers took a break from the debate to join a few hundred war protesters at a candlelight vigil outside the Capitol.[snip]

While Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said Democrats were not staging the debate as a political stunt, members of his staff delivered care packages to their Republican counterparts. “A few supplies for your sleepless night — help us bring an end to this war,” read the note attached to a bundle of toiletries, tied with a yellow ribbon.
Not a political stunt? Hey, Harry! I have 1200 Marines who could have used those care packages you were using to make a mockery of our support for our troops! How about sending some of that our way?


Suggestion to Republican Senators - please make good use of Sen. Reid's generous gift of care packages by sending them to the Marines, care of Soldiers' Angels at:

Fighting 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit
c/o Soldiers Angels
914 Tourmaline Drive
Newbury Park, CA 91320

Disclaimer: This is not an official Soldiers' Angels blog nor is this campaign sanctioned by Soldiers' Angels. The opinions expressed here are solely mine and do not reflect those of Soldiers' Angels or any of its officials. Soldiers' Angels is a non-partisan, non-profit organization whose only mission is to provide support to our deployed military men and women.

1 comment:

  1. "Even as Democrats brushed aside such suggestions, the party’s Congressional leaders and many lawmakers took a break from the debate to join a few hundred war protesters at a candlelight vigil outside the Capitol."

    And who were those protesters? None other than the whackjobs from Code Pink. The same group that holds an anti-war protest (disguised as a "vigil") outside of Walter Reed Army Medical Center every Friday night.

    This is also the same Code Pink that in December of 2004 traveled to Iraq "a combined $600,000 in medical supplies and cash to the families of the terrorist insurgents who were fighting American troops in Fallujah, Iraq."

    What a swell group of folks for Democrat lawmakers to hang out with.
