Thursday, May 10, 2007

Soldier Down - Kick Stands Up: PGR Missions Confirmed

John at Castle Arrggh! linked to the story of two soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan on Sunday by a loan gunman in uniform. Reports indicate the Afghani was dressed as an Afghan Soldier, but a message in Angel forums from a soldier in the unit indicates that he might have been dressed as a Afghan police officer.

Thanks Tammy,
I love poems like those, they always bring a little Tear to my eyes.

Its been a little tough here the past couple days, we lost A couple guys from here Sunday. We had a memorial service for Them on Tuesday, I knew one of them, not close but still, when You walk up to their picture and salute them, its heart breaking..
It was a senseless shooting, two guys killed two wounded, some frigging clown dressed up as a police officer.

Well we go on, and deal with it,

The Patriot Guard Riders are confirming the mission for Monday, May 14th in Leavenworth for Col. Harrison. Additional information will be updated here when it is received. Stand-by for details.

A special message was posted in the PGR Forums for the family and in rememberance of Col. Harrison:

To the family of COL James W. Harrison Jr. We have mourned the loss of this great leader who has served his country with honor and was well respected amongst his fellow soldiers. COL Harrison - I have been honored to serve as your Executive officer of the 5th Military Police Battalion CID for a year and half from 1999-2000 in Kasierslautern, Germany. Your superb leadership was well respected by the entire Battalion as well as the 202d Military Police Group CID. Thanks for your continued frienship over the past eight years. As my mentor, I thank you for all that you and your family have done for my family and myself. You were loved and well respected by the Hunt family and we have been honored to again serve with you here at Fort Leavenworth. Our families were close friends and we enjoyed the dinners at your house. When we heard the news our family was shocked and we immedately went to your house to comfort your family. My kids (all 8) made cards for your wife and boys and we sent over some pictures of my promotion ceremony that you participated in last fall. It has been very difficult for all of us who knew you well and were close to you. Our country has lost a great leader who was well loved and repected by his troops. I understand how hard it was to pull your retirement paper work and take this job in Afghanistan. You have sacrificed your life for our great nation. You will not be forgotten and you will always be remembered. I have your picture with myself and my wife at my promotion ceremony in my office at work. I was honored to have you participate in my promotion ceremony (Pictures enclosed). It will hang in my office always, where ever the Army takes me. You will be missed - my mentor, my friend. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with the Harrison family who have supported thier husband and father throughout his military career. May God bless you with his eternal peace always!

Hans F. Hunt
Lieutenant Colonel, Military Police
(Patriot Guard Member)

All Angels, military, PGR and troop supporters stand by.

MSgt Will Sabulu

There will be a Memorial Service/Military Roll Call for Master Sgt. Wilberto Sabalu Friday May, 11th at 11am at Soldiers Chapel on Fort Leonard Wood.

The PGR has been invited and we, will provide a flag line for this service. Also MSG Sabalu is scheduled to arrive at Ft Wood sometime on Saturday. So final arrangements have not been set. Keep reading this thread, I will update it as information is available..

Joe Smith
Sen Mo Ride Capt

Update on the Ride Mission for his funeral has not been provided. Stand-by for details.

Special messages in the forums:

Wil was a friend of mine and was a member of our Family, Freedom Of Road Riders. He was loved by all that knew him, with his positive outlook on everything and his enduring smile. Wil volunteered to go over to Afghanistan, because he felt as a soldier, that he needed to serve in this conflict against terrorism. He was due to come home to us in three weeks.

Wil, I thank you for your service, for your ultimate sacrifice to preserve my freedoms, and I weep at your loss, our Chilly Willy

From Keith at Post 1

To the members of the PGR,
I would like to thank everybody for their heartfelt wishes and condolences for MSG Sabalu. I have known Wil for several years now as his supervisor, fellow NCO and friend and I can honestly say that he was one of the most honest, hardworking and trustworthy men I have known. He was not only well liked by his soldiers and peers but also his supervisors. He was the NCO that people knew that they could count on to not only get the job done but get it done properly. Amy, I know that the upcoming times are going to be extremely rough but if there is anything that I can do please let me know. I have spoken to several members from the DB and they have all expressed their sorrow at losing Wil. The 31E's will not be the same for having lost such a great person.

SFC Collier, Keith (RET)

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