Friday, May 19, 2006

Baghdad ER: The New Survivor

BAGHDAD, May 19, 2006 – Traumatic injuries are a tragic fact of life in war. But thanks to the efforts of military medical personnel here, wounded servicemembers have the best chance of surviving their injuries than in any previous conflict.

"It's like the TV show 'Survivor,'" said Army Dr. (Lt. Col.) Mark Smith. "The characters change each season, but the premise remains the same."

Smith is part of the 10th Combat Support Hospital based at Ibn Sina Hospital in the International Zone here. The previous unit at Ibn Sina - the 86th Combat Support Hospital - is featured in an HBO documentary "Baghdad ER," which premiers on the cable network May 21. The show depicts the way Army medics care for, treat and save servicemembers wounded in Iraq.

Volunteers only please. Read the rest about the New Survivor.

Read the original article on Baghdad ER.

The new HBO documentary film "Baghdad ER" is much more than just a series of gruesome images flickering across a screen. It is a poignant testament to the sacrifice of American troops and the dedication of military medical personnel.

And don't forget to read Tough Mothers from the 47th CSH.

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