Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Heroe the Press Ignored

Capt. Brian Chontosh. If his name does not instantly equate in your mind to "hero", you're not alone and you probably do not read many military websites.

He's the forgotten hero like the hundreds of others before and since he received a Navy Cross for actions that resemble Sgt York, Auty Murphy and a whole host of other military heroes that went beyond the call of duty.

Blackfive talks about him on Pundit Review and talks about the shameful treatment of heroes by the media.

Go listen to what Capt. Chontosh did to earn his medal and why, in a world where the press panders to every idiot actors schizophrenic kleptomaniac tendency, Capt. Chontosh is not a household name.

They are the few.

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