Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Syria's True Lies: Corruption, assassination and the Reality of Totalitarian Regimes

Syrian MPs put forward a logical question. Why did Abdul Halim Khaddam remain silent about corruption during his years in power? In his interview, he said the country was corrupt so much so that one official embezzled three billion dollars while the people of Syria were eating from garbage piles. He also claimed that repressive security services controlled the country. Where was Abdul Halim Khaddam in the past forty years? Why did not intervene to halt this corruption?

The question posed above is indeed reasonable but it is accompanied by another, equally rational, question. If these representatives are aware of all these scandals about Abdul Halim Khaddam, to the extent that they accuse him of smuggling nuclear waste, where were the members of the Syrian people’s assembly when these practices were taking places throughout the last forty years? Why didn’t they intervene when they were allegedly elected by the people to legislate and supervise the conduct of the state? If Khaddam is guilty to this degree, then what about other officials, part of the old guard, and their sons who remain in power?

Read the restSyria's True Lies: Corruption, assassination and the Reality of Totalitarian Regimes

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