Saturday, January 07, 2006

Not on Yahoo Yet: American Female Journalist Kidnapped in Baghdad

I looked and looked, but I haven't seen it on the news yet:

American Journalist Kidnapped in Iraq


BAGHDAD, Iraq, AP -Gunmen kidnapped a female American journalist and killed her Iraqi translator Saturday in western Baghdad, an Interior Ministry official said.

Maj. Falah Mohamadawi said the translator told police before he died that the abduction took place when he and the journalist were heading to meet Adnan al-Dulaimi, head of the Sunni Arab Iraqi Accordance Front, in the Adel section of the city.

The neighborhood is dominated by Sunni Arabs and considered one of toughest in Baghdad.

According to Samir Najim, a guard at al-Dulaimi's office, three armed men in a red Opel four-sedan intercepted the journalist's car and shot the translator before taking her in their car and driving away. The kidnapping took place about 100 yards from al-Dulaimi's office.

Insurgents have kidnapped more than 250 foreigners in the past two years, aiming to force U.S.-led troops to leave Iraq or prevent Arab nations from strengthening their ties with the Baghdad government.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'm sorry, I have just read the other comment saying that they are shielding her name to secure her release. Is it possible to erase my previous comment?
