Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kurdish regional government says 30-year sentence was imposed for defaming public institutions

Reporters Without Borders has reiterated its call for the release of Kamal Sayid Qadir after the Kurdish regional government in northern Iraq said his 30-year prison sentence was imposed in accordance with a law punishing "defamation of public institutions."

In a statement released on 9 January 2006, the Kurdish authorities said the law, identified as Law 21 was passed by the region's national assembly and took effect in 2003. "The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) affirms that the principles of human rights and freedom of expression continue to be respected, promoted, and assured for all persons throughout the Kurdistan Region," the statement added.

Kurdish regional government says 30-year sentence was imposed for defaming public institutions

I protest this, too. That law should be thrown out and second, so should this sentence. The US should put pressure on these guys. I hope somebody helps these guys with some money and an appeal (assuming of course, there is any such thing in Kurdish)

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