Thursday, January 12, 2006

German spies deny guiding U.S. bomb raids in Iraq - Yahoo! News

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's foreign intelligence agency denied on Thursday reports its spies in Baghdad had helped U.S. warplanes select bombing targets during the invasion of Iraq, which the Berlin government had strongly opposed.

Okay, part of me wants to know if anyone really cares or didn't suspect such a thing in the first place. The other part of me wonders why this info is coming out so soon after the war. Seems like some sort of tit-for-tat on intelligence efforts. Or, it might be one of those "open secrets" where it's okay as long nobody talks about it.

On the other hand, it seems kind of stupid to say it just in case we'd want to use those same sources again in the future, if it were true, that is.

I predict by the end of this war, politics as we knew it and governments will be forever changed in the way we inter-act.

Read the resGerman spies deny guiding U.S. bomb raids in Iraq - Yahoo! News

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