Friday, January 13, 2006

At Least 345 People Die in Hajj Stampede - Yahoo! News

According to Wiki, this happens every year:

MINA, Saudi Arabia - Thousands of Muslims surging to complete a stoning ritual before sunset stampeded Thursday after some pilgrims tripped over dropped luggage, causing a pileup that killed at least 345 people in the second tragedy to hit this year's hajj.

The report says this year was one of the biggest with 2.5 million pilgrims.

In typical Arab sang freud, Inshallah:

Ensuring a smooth pilgrimage is a key concern for Saudi Arabia's royal family, which bolsters its legitimacy by touting its role as the "custodian of the holy cities" of Mecca and Medina, where Islam's 7th century prophet Muhammad was born and lived.

Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz told reporters the kingdom had "spared no effort" to avoid such disasters but, he added, "it cannot stop what God has preordained. It is impossible."

The truth is, it's not just quiet in Iraq because we've decreased the terrorist talent pool, nor because it is Eid, but it is very likely that a number of young men who have not become martyrs yet, but have also not completed the Hajj, have been traveling into Saudi Arabia to get a little R&R, spiritual renewal and triple the guarantee of salvation by completing this difficult and expensive pillar of Islam.At Least 345 People Die in Hajj Stampede - Yahoo! News

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