Thursday, December 22, 2005

Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/20/2005 | Blinq | In the blink of an eye, blogs became big

How big have blogs become?
Bigger than Jesus. Bigger than sex.
More than twice as big as sex, actually, the CEO of Blogpulse found when he typed the words blog and sex into the Google search engine. That big.[snip]

Corporate America also felt blogs' sting. When Jeff Jarvis, frustrated over the purchase of a laptop lemon, headlined a post "Dell Sucks," thousands of bloggers joined in the conversation, and the computer maker's slow response cost it a swarm of unwelcome attention.
Bloggers from the left and right united to appear before the Federal Election Commission to argue to get the same exemption from campaign-finance laws as print and broadcast media. The bloggers, represented by Philadelphia lawyer Adam C. Bonin, won.

While there was no national election, activism didn't sit out the year. Campaigns hired bloggers, such as that of Jon S. Corzine for New Jersey governor with Matt Stoller of MyDD. Conservative bloggers magnified the heat on ill-fated Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers. Millions of dollars were raised for victims of Katrina. A conservative budget-cutting effort called pork busters identified excessive federal spending.

As they say, read the rest. Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/20/2005 | Blinq | In the blink of an eye, blogs became big

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