Saturday, September 17, 2005

While You Were Sleeping...

...democracy continued it's march in Aghanistan as Afghanis prepared to vote for Parliament and local elections. Afghan Warrior reports that the Taliban are still trying to stop the elections while promising not to attack the polls:

Unknown armed men killed 7 civilians after they searched the vehicle and passengers and found official documents. It was a very cowardly act of the enemies because these civilians were just carrying voter registration cards and documents for the weekend's parliamentary election and they wanted to cast their vote for a better future of their country and they were not armed men and nor were they goverment officials.

In another incident 3 more civilians were killed and 4 injured including a child by a remote-controlled landmine blast in the Tirinkot district of the same province on Wednesday. In southeastern Zabul province a man was hanged by Taliban rebels on Tuesday. He was an intelligence official working for the district intelligence department. He was captured and killed by the Taliban. He was hanged. After all these killings it is impossible to trust the Taliban. However the Taliban announced that they will not target the polling stations during the election day because they don't want civilian casualties.

But the Afghan's are preparing their security:

Around 50,000 police together with 20,000 Army and some 30,000 coalition troops are ready to provide security during the parliamentary election so I am sure nothing much will happen during the election and Afghans will peacefully vote and elect their honest representatives.

And our Afghan friend reminds us that the Afghanis have not forgotten the event that led to their freedom from terrorists:

The people of Afghanistan have not forgotten the deadliest attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon four years ago during which around 3000 people lost their lives. We strongly condemn this cowardly terrorist attack and express our grievous condolences for all American people, especially with those who lost family members, relatives and friends.

Make sure you watch the slide show. I must admit to getting a little teary eyed whenever I see the people keep marching on. It gives me the hope and the confidence that this war will be won and it is the dream of every man and woman, no matter how poor or from what nation, to be free.

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