Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Soldiers' Angels Katrina Relief Fund for Soldiers' Families

Soldiers' Angels has also began an operation to assist soldiers' families in Louisiana and Missippi who are currently deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan and cannot be home to help their families.

Katrina Soldiers' Relief Fund

Blackfive says:

Hurricane Katrina has devastated New Orleans and South Louisiana. The homes and lives of an untold number of our friends and families have been decimated. Included in the ranks of victims are the family members of our soldier's serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Many of these soldiers will be returning home in the next few weeks to find that their families have been displaced and their homes and businesses destroyed.

Soldier's Angels has established a relief fund to help our soldiers and their families cope with and recover from this devastation. Your donation will help these families obtain essential personal items, temporary shelter and any other needs that can be met. Soldier's Angels will also work to provide information to the soldiers concerning their families whereabouts and needs. Now is the time to help protect those who have given up so much to protect us.

If you can help, please do so.

* Call us at 626 398 3131
* Email us at

That's one more place you can give help.

Technorati Flood Aid hurricane katrina

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