Monday, May 23, 2005

Muqtada al-Sadr = Jesse Jackson? or Al Sharpton?

Catching the news this weekend, I noted that Muqty has decided to try and grab some more political power, similar to certain American political figures:

Meanwhile, aides to radical anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr sought to defuse tension between Sunnis and the majority Shiites after a recent series of sectarian killings. Sunnis are believed to make up the bulk of Iraq's deadly insurgency.

The senior aides met Sunday with the Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars, a key Sunni group, in a bid to soothe tensions that have flared and resulted in the deaths of 10 Shiite and Sunni clerics in the past two weeks.

There are only two prospects here:

1) He (Muqty) is responsible for the tit for tat killing that's been going on from the Shia perspective.

2) Or, he really has no control of the situation at all and is inserting himself into it in order to gain the appearance of having more political cache than his few thousand followers in Sadr city actually give him.

Actually, there's a third option, though I'm not sure Muqty the Moron is capable of such Machevillian planning and that is that he started the sectarian violence in order to be the one to appear to stop it and gain political cache with other Iraqis as some sort of savior (he's been going for the whole "mahdi" thing for awhile now).

In either case, I doubt seriously that he is going to have the kind of impact he desires. He doesn't have the power to stop it.

Kind of like Jesse Jackson in a turban.

Or worse, Al Sharpton in a turban and flowing robes.

Just, please, don't make me think about what might or might not be beneath those robes. I'll lose my appetite forever.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Very enlightened comparison....

  2. Geesh...was that snarky? LOL

    Which offended you most? Muqty = Jesse as a political tailcoat rider or the thought of what's beneath the robes of any of them?

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Al Sharpton cracks me up. Mutty doesn't have a sense of humor. JJ hides his children well....

    Al has great hair. Mutty has a dirty beard. JJ uses too much grease in his hair....

    Like I said, no comparison....

  4. Okay...I'll give you that. Muqty has no sense of humor and Al at least can be funny sometimes, even if he doesn't mean to. (Though, there was this one time that I agreed with him and it scared the crap out of me). LOL

    JJ is just annoying after all this time.

    I still say that the political tailcoating is at least within the realms of real comparison.

    Maybe L. Farrakhan would have been a better comparison?

  5. Rice...darnit, I missed it because that was at 8 my time and I didn't see this until 10. tell me all about it.

  6. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Al reminds me of one of the Little Rascals all grown up.... What ever happened to little Sharpie...? Oh look! He's running for prez!

    Ever since JJ got caught with an extra kid, his three piece suits have looked expensive....

    How does Mutty stay out of rehab?
