Monday, April 11, 2005

I am Jedi Master

Found this via Barbette a denizen of Castle Arggghh posted a quiz.

Normally, I don't do quizes, but this was amusing.

Besides, it said I was a Jedi Master. Who can argue with that?

:: how jedi are you? ::


  1. I certainly can't argue with it - I came in as Han Solo! Don't you be trying your mind tricks on me, y'hear?!

  2. Barb...LOL

    I only use the force for good.

    I would have settled for "jedi knight" and am only happy it didn't say "darth vader". LOL

  3. I think it worked. I feel episode 5 of the BHB coming on.

  4. Jedi Smedi I am Han Solo. Who needs a lightsaber? I got me a Wookie.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I too am a JEDI MASTER... cool, though I would have been OK with being Darth Vader...LOL

  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    haha! You dont know the Power of the Dark side i got The chosen one i am Anakin whoohooo i shall destroy you all! LOL
