Thursday, December 02, 2004


On a comment section here, another commenter and I were talking about writing. He told me to give him a word, any word and he'd write a poem.

I responded by telling him how "awesome" it was that anyone reads what I write. That was his word: awesome.

Michael wrote this original poem, inspired by that word and fitting right in with the theme of my current writings. I want to give him the publicity he deserves on my little blog. I don't know Michael's last name (MichaelH121), but I still want to protect his poem, so consider this copyrighted on his behalf.

All and Awesome

We ponder

The future, the present, the past

We wonder

How long we mortals will last

The thunder

Of storms in the distance we hear

Look yonder

The rainbow as the summer storms clear

We know

There is something more up ahead

We see

The potholes, go forward, leading not led

We’re free

To decide, our path every day

We grow

With each presence we meet on the way

We fall

Dust ourselves off and start out once more

We give

Of ourselves, and accept what’s in store

We live

With the knowledge that there is HE above

We call

When we need His guidance and love

We are

All and Awesome, a wonder each one

We stay

For a while, as a bright shinning sun

A star

In the sky, to guide us at night

We pray

We are warmed by His presence and light

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