Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!
Psalm 95:1-2
O come, let us sing unto the Lord:
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving
and make a joyful noise onto him with psalms


  1. Hi Kat

    Wonderful Thanksgiving Day message you posted. Take care and I trust all is well with you. We do indeed have so much to be thankful for. Thank you also for your message to me.

    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

    2Timothy 4:7


  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Hey! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm thankful for not being one of those wierdos who feel compelled to pack their way into retail stores like sardines in order to stress out the minimum-wage retail employees, and each other, over a ludicrous notion than saving 5 to 10% on potential Christmas presents is actually worth all that insanity.

    I'm sipping coffee at a completely "dead" office today, and thoroughly enjoying the quiet calm.

  4., too. I might be a woman, but I only ever had to experience that post Thanksgiving shopping rush to know that I never, ever, wanted to do that again.

  5. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I am proud to say that I had no need for retail today either (I am done my Christmas shopping -yes, anal, I know)... I took the kids to the library as I assumed it would be empty today...(sadly, in Philly it's usually empty save the few weirdos trying to look up porn on the computers) :)
