Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Reality Road Check: Real People, Real Life

Voices of Iraq

My friends, you and I have probably gone around the blogosphere a few times trying to understand what is going on in Iraq. What our soldiers are doing. What the people are saying. And we have been excited to read their words.

What we hear on the news or from pundits, we question, because we know it is not the whole story. We know that it is but a small part. Just some incidents boiled down to two minutes while the journalists in Iraq bunker down inside the "green zone" afraid to move.

But here, at Voices of Iraq, you can finally see the Iraqis and hear them. Don't delay. There is a pink box on the right of the site where you can watch a six minute clip of a film that will be released soon. A film of Iraqis filmed by Iraqis. No media bias. No performance for Al Jazeera. Just Iraqis.

Teasers from the film:

One man walking up to the camera, about 30-35:

It is better than under Saddam. Even if I have to die of hunger.

A boy about 10-12 asks his mother what democracy means and she replies:

It means individual freedoms

She gets it. The man gets it. And they ask the teenage boys what they want:

We want what the world wants: Democracy, computers, internet...Not what we are dealing with now. [camera holder: Was it better under Saddam?] It is much better now. Much, much better.

And the children, when they were asked what they wanted to be in the future:

A doctor [little boy in the crowd]. An engineer [another little boy]. An engineer [answered a girl later]. A lawyer [another girl] A bicycle [a girl about 5].

Okay..that's all the teasers you are getting. Go watch the film and get educate..

I've now watched it three times and it is fascinating.

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